Amethyst Benefits and it’s Uses

Hi lovely Sunflowers,

Today we are looking at Amethyst and its amazing benefits and what we can use it for.

Amethyst is a beautiful crystal that is known for its gorgeous purple hue and its countless benefits. It is also one of the crystals that is very easily obtained. Amethyst is a must have due to its emotional, spiritual and physical healing properties plus its protection and amplification of the other energies around you.

Let's have a look at some of the benefits and uses of Amethyst:

Emotional and Spiritual Benefits:

🌻 Relaxation and Stress Relief: Amethyst can help promote relaxation, inner peace and calmness in you. They believe that it also help to release tension, anxiety and to help you feel more at ease.

🌻 Sleep: Do you sleep with Amethyst? It is known to help improve the quality of your sleep and it helps reduce nightmares and promotes more peaceful dreams. I sleep with Amethyst under my pillow every night.

🌻 Spiritual Growth: Amethyst gets used to help enhance people's spiritual growth and awareness. It can help develop intuition, enhance your psychic abilities and also helps to connect to higher realms.

🌻 Mental Clarity and Focus: Amethyst is an ideal crystal for those who need improve mental clarity, your focus and even your concentration.

Now let's look at Amethysts physical healing benefits:

🌻 Pain Relief: Many people report that Amethyst helps relieve pain and discomfort in their bodies. It has a soothing energy that helps ease headaches and muscle tension. I have a particular piece of Amethyst that I always use when a headache won't go away.

🌻 Hormonal: Amethyst has also helped people alleviate hormonal imbalances especial in people who are menstruating.

🌻 Detoxifying: Amethyst can help to purify and detoxify the body of negative energies and it is believed to absorb toxins.

🌻 Immune Support: Amethyst is also known to help your immune system and promote overall health.

What can you do with Amethyst?

🌻 Meditate with a piece that calls to you.

🌻 Jewellery - what better way to use these amazing benefits than to have a piece of jewellery?

🌻 Decor - have all those benefits in your house.

🌻 Water Purification - put some Amethyst around your bathtub or shower to purify and energize that water. I especially recommend this when/if you do your New Moon or Full Moon bath rituals.

Amethyst is associated with:

🌻 Chakra: Third Eye and Crown

🌻 Element: Air

🌻 Birthstone: February

I recommend that everyone has at least one piece of this versatile crystal.

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Blessed be,

Christine πŸŒ»


Cleansing your Crystals